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Lacquered Bracket - Ganoderma lucidum
Family - Ganodermataceae
Also known as - King of Herbs, Lingzhi
Ganoderma is a genus of wood decaying bracket fungi numbering around 80 species with an extensive use in traditional far eastern medicines. We believe ours is a member of the Ganoderma lucidum complex, the Lacquered Bracket (or Reishi) mushroom. Growing as a large bracket fungus on both coniferous and hardwood species as a parasitic or saprotrophic organism, it can be found in tropical and temperate regions almost world–wide. It is a large leathery polypore fungi with a red kidney–shaped cap bordered white, lacking gills it releases its spores through fine pores. Variable in form it is found as a large sessile specimen – G. sessile, or a smaller form with a stalk, and also occasionally, in the Far East, as an "Antler" form.
FBCP do not advise or recommend that Lacquered Bracket – Ganoderma lucidum is eaten or used as an herbal remedy. The Lacquered Bracket has a long association with Chinese and Japanese medical culture in a wide range of uses and for its supposed effects on the immune system.
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